For Photographers

Education and Mentoring for Aspiring and Professional Photographers

Educational content for Portrait photographers

Read free photography education blog posts, get a peek behind the scenes of a professional photography business, and step it up with one-on-one business mentoring/coaching.

grow your business

Create a photography business that suits your lifestyle and provides a good income by learning from years worth of professional insight and experience.

Build a solid foundation

Every business requires a good foundation to run smoothly and sustainably over a long period, even a passion-focused one like photography.

Only what matters

Focus in on the areas where you’re struggling and develop strategies to solve the issues with one-on-one coaching and mentoring.

In-Person Workshop Coming up!

Level Up Your Photography Business Workshop

May 19, 2024 at 9:30am - 5:00pm

This class is for all photographers who are artists at heart and need a little help in the business department. We’ll go over how to properly structure your business, how to make sure you always have enough for taxes using the Profit First method, how to actually be productive and plan your days when you have very little time (what works and what doesn’t), how to price your work and spend wisely, how to design an SEO-optimized website that converts visitors to clients, and how to have a business you love that is sustainable over the long term. This all-day workshop is limited to 14 participants and will include portfolio and website reviews, as well as a Q&A session where we can address specific concerns.

About Nataliya Lalor, CPP

Nataliya Lalor has worked as a professional photographer since 2013. Starting out as a portrait photographer working with families, she now specializes in headshots and personal branding on location and in her Studio in Westport, CT. She is a PPA Certified Professional Photographer and a Portrait Masters accredited photographer. Her work has been featured in local and national magazines and publications.

Nataliya currently lives in Westport Connecticut with her husband, two boys, two cats, and a dog.

Behind the Scenes

Featured of The Portrait System Podcast

How Nataliya Lalor Built a Six-Figure Family Photography Business in Two Years with SBE

Do you want to build a photography business you love and develop your own style? Then, you'll want to listen to this interview! Today's guest is portrait photographer Nataliya Lalor from Greenwich, Connecticut. Nataliya started out as a graphic designer before getting into portrait photography. Within two years of starting her own studio, Nataliya turned her enterprise into a six figures business by using the Sue Bryce Education business model. However, unlike other SBE members, Nataliya did not follow the SBE style of photography, but instead developed her own style. Her story is proof that you can get incredibly valuable education from SBE, and create a business that looks and feel like you and remain truthful to your own style. If you're looking for inspiration to start your own venture, then this episode is for you!

Blog Post Articles for Photographers

Free educational and behind the scenes content on the Blog

Photography Business Mentoring

 This is right for you if:

✅ You're just starting out and are confused about all the things you have to do.

✅ You've had a side photography business for several years and are willing/eager to learn how to take things to the next level.

✅ You are working lots of hours without the income to match.

✅ You're interested in photographing portraits/headshots.

✅ You find yourself feeling unsure about your abilities and feel uncomfortable charging more for your work.

✅ You know something has to change in order for your business to be sustainable.

This is NOT right for you if:

❌ You want to know how to sell multiple thousands of dollars worth of artwork to a single client (there are plenty of other photographers who are better at teaching this).

❌ You want to run a busy commercial Studio (my focus is on a one-person business with a good work/life balance).

❌ How to use Instagram and social media to gain thousands of followers (my business doesn’t rely on a social media following).

❌ You're already making 6-figures in your business (you probably already have a solid foundation).

Inquire about mentoring/coaching

I believe that having some simple guidance is all you need in order to avoid wasting years making mistakes in your photography business. No strategy or method is ever going to work for everyone, which is why most courses and classes are often a waste of time and money. One-on-one coaching is the best way to laser focus on the issues you’re having and figure out the most optimal way to solve them.